Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Alzheimer's -- The Million Email Crusade for Alzheimer's

Did Albert Einstein say, The most absolute force in a star is devalue interest....."Most people interpret this allude to as referring to seductiveness rates -- a seductiveness rate, or rate of lapse we earn upon your investments.

It is doubtful which Einstein actually pronounced these words.

Bob DeMarco
Alzheimer's Reading Room

That said, there can be little doubt which there is a absolute force in a star -- a devalue seductiveness of man(kind).

When people band together to accomplish a mission they turn a really absolute force. The force of change.

I receive email as well as comments upon this blog from people complaining which Alzheimer's mildew is misunderstood; and, if people understood Alzheimer's they would be doing some-more about a mildew (problem).

I determine there is a problem.

I consternation can we, a common brain of a Alzheimer's Reading Room, turn a solution to a problem. What can We do to shift a situation?

I am envisioning something we could do right here upon a Alzheimer's Reading Room. An all out effort to have a major disproportion in a destiny funding for Alzheimer's mildew research.

Together we can have a major impact upon a destiny of most Alzheimer's caregivers.
The Million Email Crusade.
We can have use of a common brain of a Alzheimer's Reading Room, a common commitment, as well as a common bargain of Alzheimer's -- to begin a "fire" upon a Internet.

Or, we can lay back as well as hope someone else does it.

On Saturday, we published -- Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Introduces Legislation to Help Fight Alzheimer's as well as Benefit Caregivers.

In which essay we enclosed dual elementary links which will take we to a email form for we United States Senator, or U. S. Representative. A few elementary clicks, duplicate as well as paste, as well as we can let your inaugurated central know which Alzheimer's legislation is critical to you.
Subscribe to The Alzheimer's Reading Room--via Email
Here is duplicate of a email we am promulgation to my inaugurated officials (you can personalize this as well as have it your own).
Dear Senator Nelson:

A recent Harris Interactive check indicated which 100 million Americans have been overwhelmed by Alzheimer's disease. The same check indicates which 35 million Americans are disturbed about Alzheimer's.

Currently, there are 9.9 million Alzheimer's caregivers in America. Every 70 seconds someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

Recently, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand as well as Congresswoman Maxine Waters introduced legislation which would urge treatment services for Alzheimer's patients as well as expand precision as well as await services for their family groups as well as caregivers.

This legislation recognizes which family groups as well as caregivers receiving caring of desired ones with Alzheimer's need help.

I hope we will take a time to revisit this link

and take a time to learn some-more about this devastating disease.

I encourage we to await this legislation by co-sponsoring a bill, as well as by furthering awareness of this problem.

Bob DeMarco
Delray Beach, FL 33445To hit your U.S. Senator around email -- go here.

To hit your U.S. Representative around email-- go here.

I consternation what would occur if each chairman celebration of a mass this essay emailed their inaugurated officials?

I consternation what would occur if each chairman upon this list took a time to email this essay to each a single of their friends around email? Asking as well as enlivening them to experience in -- The Million Email Crusade.

I consternation what would occur if each chairman which received an email forwarded which email to everybody upon their email list?

How long would it take to get to a million emails?

Here is what we know as well as believe.

If we don't take a time to email your inaugurated central your won't be a part of a solution to a problem. You will be missing a elementary event to have a difference. A genuine difference.

I know from experience which most people will confirm to do it later, as well as afterwards dont think about about it.

The time to take movement is -- now.

We can begin a "fire", an email virus.

We are a ONE -- if we don't do it, who will?

We have lots of nurses, doctors, home caring owners as well as franchisees, as well as people which see Alzheimer's from a front quarrel upon this list. Its time to take action.

If we look at a grid below, we will see which it takes 28 days for a penny to stand in in to a million dollars. How most days will it take to get a million emails to a inaugurated officials?

If we confirm to take movement as well as stick upon The Million Email Crusade for Alzheimer's tell us about your movement in a comments box below this article.

How Many Days to Turn a Penny in to a Million Dollars?

If we had a penny as well as it doubled each day, how long would it take prior to we had a million dollars ($1,000,000)? Answer: 28 days. Remarkable.

Don't be afraid to put your dual cents in an email. Your dual cents competence turn in to a million dollars.

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Bob DeMarco is a editor of a Alzheimer's Reading Room as well as an Alzheimer's caregiver. The Alzheimer's Reading Room is a number a single website upon a Internet for news, advice, as well as discernment in to Alzheimer's disease. Bob has written some-more than 950 articles with some-more than 8,000 links upon a Internet. Bob resides in Delray Beach, FL.

Original content Bob DeMarco, Alzheimer's Reading Room

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